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Westminster Special School

Federation of Westminster Special Schools & Bi-Borough Inclusion Service


The Federation of Westminster Special Schools follow the guidance set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2024 and read in conjunction with our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. The Federation's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy will be ratified by Governors to reflect the new guidance from KCSIE September 2024.'

The Federation of Westminster Special Schools takes its safeguarding responsibilities very seriously, with the overriding priority being the health, safety and well-being of every pupil and staff member. This means we ensure that:

  • Designated teachers for safeguarding and child protection are trained to the highest level in safeguarding and child protection policy and procedures;

  • Everyone working across the Federation has successfully completed the statutory security checks and clearances and undertakes annual safeguarding training to ensure that they understand and adhere to current safeguarding procedures;

  • Safeguarding policies and procedures are robust, including the Child Protection and Safeguarding policy and Whistle-blowing policy. These are reviewed annually by the Federation Governing Board to ensure that we are in line with current statutory safeguarding requirements and procedures.

  • The implementation of safeguarding policies and procedures is monitored closely by senior leaders and governors to support the safeguarding of our pupils and staff.

Our aim is that every pupil is able to learn and thrive in a safe, caring and stimulating environment. We listen carefully to our pupils and take very seriously what they tell us. In doing so, we use the pupil’s preferred method of communication, such as PECS and Makaton. We also carefully monitor any changes in attendance, behaviour and appearance. Our full Safeguarding Policy is linked below. 

If you have a concern about a child, or have any questions, or want more advice please contact the school Safeguarding team who will be happy to speak with you. Please call the relevant school office:

College Park School: 0207 221 34 54/ 

Queen Elizabeth Jubilee School: 0207 641 5825

The statutory guidance and procedures we follow have been laid down by the Department for Education (DfE) and supported by the Local Safeguarding Childrens' Partnership. These duties are adhered to by the Federation’s Governing Board. By working closely with everyone concerned, we firmly believe that we offer a safe learning environment for all our pupils. 

You can access the website for the Local Safeguarding Children Partnership by click the image below: 

We have updated our Safeguarding policy to reflect changes due to the Coronavirus situation. The updated policy can be found linked below. 

Our Designated Leads for Safeguarding are:

Assistant Head of Pastoral (Federation Designated Safeguarding Lead):

Ricardo Clarke DSL

College Park School : 0207 221 3454

Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee School: 0207 641 5825

College Park School : 0207 221 3454

Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee School: 0207 641 5825

Governor with Responsibility for Safeguarding:

Andrew Garwood Watkins

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

Aqualma Daniel

College Park School

Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee School

Associate Executive Head teacher: Pam Jones OBE

Headteacher: Claire Shepherd

Headteacher: Pamela Murphy

Deputy Head (Primary): Tatjana Zeljic

Assistant Head (Primary): Eva Diaz

Deputy Head (Secondary): Simon Bennett

                      Assistant Head: Carlos Velazquez

Lead Practitioner of the Creative Arts: Paul Morrow

Assistant Head (Secondary): Emma Watford


    Lead Practitioner of the Creative Arts: Paul Morrow



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