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Westminster Special School

Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee School Federation of Westminster Special Schools
& Bi-borough Inclusion Service


Drama at QEII is delivered by James Rigby and the The@trical team. It serves as a medium via which our young people can express themselves, improve communication and form a stronger understanding of the world they live in. Exploring themes through sensory input and accessible stories, result in our students' growth as individuals, and understanding the process of rehearsal and performance. We are actively involved in all aspects of the arts and our students experience live theatre both in house and at the many cultural land marks that our city provides. Topics explored in class can be brought to life in drama and our students immerse themselves in the world and scenarios that we create. Physical and vocal warm ups, sensory stories, improvisation, games and scripted work help the students to understand theatrical techniques and prepare them for the many dramatic performances that we present throughout the year. Drama can be a source of joy and inspiration to staff and students alike and it is something that we constantly look to build on, modify and embrace.

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