Home School Agreement
On admission, parents are asked to sign a copy of the following Home School Agreement, which sets out how we will work together to promote your child's learning and development.
The School Will:
- Value and care for each child as a unique individual.
- Aim to provide the best possible education for every child, meeting his or her individual special needs.
- Give parents information about the child's progress.
- Inform parents about school activities and what their children will be taught each term. by means of termly class and whole school newsletters, timetables, news items and a calendar on the school website and a text messaging service to which we subscribe.
- Share information about the school’s Behaviour Policy and explain the policy on the use of Physical Interventions
- Provide homework as appropriate.
- The school will provide a home-school dairy to be used for daily written communication between teachers and parents
The Family Will:
- See that their child attends school regularly and inform the school when their child is absent.. Any parents experiencing difficulties with transport should first report the matter to SEN Transport but inform school so that we are aware.
- Ensure their child is on time for the bus, or at school, by 9.00 am.
- Attend Annual Reviews and Open Evening to discuss their child's progress.
- Work with the school to promote positive behaviour and encourage their child's development and, by signing below, indicate their understanding of and agreement with our Behaviour Policy.
- Share with the school (in confidence if necessary) major events at home that may affect their child's emotions.
- Share with the school, the involvement of any professional help to ensure we work together for the child's benefit.
- Ensure that any equipment or materials loaned to the child to support learning at home is returned to the school when requested
- Use the home-school diary regularly to inform the school of what the child has been doing at home and of any changes to routine, such as appointments or a different member of the family coming to pick a child up at the end of the day.
Together We Will:
- Enable every child to develop to his or her full potential.
- Help our children develop a sense of responsibility and respect for all other people.
- Encourage children to believe in themselves, raise their self-esteem and take pride in their environment.
- Share any concerns or problems affecting their child.
- Discuss and deal with complaints.
- Ensure close liaison between home and school on all medical issues relating to the child.