College Park School
College Park School
College Park School is a maintained local authority school in Westminster for pupils with autism and complex learning difficulties within the moderate range for children and young people between the ages of 4 and 19 years of age. All the children at the school have moderate to severe learning difficulties with complex needs and/or autism. Most pupils are functioning between the levels of P2 and Level 2/3, depending on their age.
There are five primary classes, five secondary classes and a post 16 provision making up 100 pupils in all. The school has recently set up a partnership with Westminster Kingsway College in order to extend vocational opportunities for some of our students at post 16.
Class groups across all of the provision are small, up to 10 in a class and teaching staff always have the support of at least two teaching assistant.
The creative curriculum is delivered through topics or themes throughout the age ranges, this allows the pupils to recognise and use skills that are transferable across a range of environments and situations. Teaching staff work with their own class for the vast majority of the day, this enables them to get to know their pupils, and their needs very well, and consequently the work is highly personalised for each pupil. Staff work hard to support the foundation subjects around the development of language, literacy and numeracy, and speech and language therapists work with all pupils and staff within a class to ensure that the highest quality of provision is delivered. Pupils with physiotherapy or occupational therapy needs also receive their therapy embedded in functional activities within class as far as possible so that they do not miss any teaching time and they understand the purpose of their programmes.
College Park prides itself in it's wide ranging and balanced curriculum, within which every pupil can achieve their best, but we also recognise that we cannot achieve this without the support and help from the families of the children in our care.