British Values Statement
At the Federation of Westminster Special Schools we provide opportunities for pupils to explore their own culture and have a clear understanding and appreciation of a wide range of the cultural influences that have shaped modern Britain. We feel it is important to recognise the cultural backgrounds of the pupils attending our schools along with those who work here. Our SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) provision clearly outlines how we meet these aspects of learning through national curriculum subjects.
We encourage pupils to be tolerant and respectful of those of differing faiths and beliefs and this is done through provision of a Christian ethos, alongside opportunities to engage in the celebrations of religious and cultural events of other faiths. Key festivals and significant events within the British calendar are recognised e.g. political elections, Remembrance Day, and charitable fundraising such as Red Nose Day, and Children in Need.
We have strong links with our local communities, and with other local schools within Westminster and the Bi-borough provision. All pupils play an active part in visits into the community, taking part in sporting events, music projects and a wide range of curriculum focussed activities.
Acceptance of differing faiths and beliefs
Religious Education is taught across the Federation with a Christian based ethos, supporting regular assemblies, collective worship and class based activities. Visits to a range of places of worship take place and local faith leaders visit the schools to support the pupils understanding of other religions.
The delivery of an integrated curriculum enables us to embed British values alongside an understanding of cultural and religious differences within our project led work and aspects of SMSC are clearly identified within each subject area of the national curriculum
Celebrations of key world religious events take place throughout the year, including Diwali, Chinese New Year, Holi etc.
Individual Liberty
Our pupils are given responsibilities in the school once they are able to manage independent working. They are encouraged to engage in activities such as taking the register, monitors for jobs within class, reading award results in assembly.
School Council votes on a number of key issues concerning the school over the year and some older pupils support younger ones in the playground at lunchtime and break times.
Pupils are encouraged to make choices in as many different settings as possible, e.g choosing what to make in Food Technology lessons, or how to arrange displays in classrooms
Travel training is supported by staff to ensure safety and promote independence in the community.
Effective communication is given high priority across the schools, ensuring pupils can, wherever possible, express their wishes and feelings effectively.
Mutual Respect
Schools promote an attitude of equality and fairness through engagement in a wide range of sporting activities, including those closely associated with Britain, such as Cricket and Football. Teams represent the schools in sports competitions across London.
The PSHE curriculum embodies values of mutual respect and understanding of difference in ability, needs and individual characteristics and temperament
Drama and role-play are included within our Creative Arts curriculum and both play an important part in supporting understanding of others' perspectives and understanding. of the world.
Staff from schools around the world visit our schools and recognise the respect we have for our pupils’ achievements.
The Rule of Law
The schools both have rules to enable them to function efficiently. Many class groups develop their own class rules to support the behaviour within their own class.
The Federation has a clear Behaviour Policy and pupils learn the difference between right and wrong wherever possible.
Assemblies cover key national and international events, for example the Olympic games, the World Cup, etc including, where applicable, involvement in debates over some challenging situations, recognising that rules and laws vary in different settings and contexts.
Visits from outside agencies support the delivery and understanding of keeping safe, safety, radicalisation, FGM and other aspects of safeguarding and include sex and relationship education.