Research & Development
Research and Development in College Park School
In College Park School, we are ambitions about ensuring that the latest evidence based practices are implemented in our curriculum. College Park School is a member of the Pan London Autism School Network- Research, that provides links between schools and autism researchers form a range of universities. This research based practice link enables us to identify and develop topics of research that have positive impact on the educational experiences of autistic children and young people. We are currently involved in a number of research projects, conducted by the school staff and in collaboration with university researchers.
Current Research in College Park (2024):
Pupils from College Park@Hallfield are participating in the Gross motor skills and handwriting research project led by Dr Spencer Hayes from UCL-IOE.
College Park teachers are participating in the research project led by Catharine Lawton from KCL regrading teacher’s experience of working with autistic children who experience high anxiety.
Deputy Head Teacher, Tanja Zeljic, presented her PhD research studies An investigation into the school experiences of autistic adults (aged19-35) who have experienced school exclusion at the SENCOS’s forum and An investigation of the views of the parents of autistic students who have experienced school exclusion at the Centre for Social Genetic and Developmental Psychology. The Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience.